Volunteer to Be a Big!
Big Brothers and Big Sisters are caring individuals from every background, race, religion, and ethnicity that are willing to spend a few hours each month with a child.
Contact us to take the first step to becoming a Big. We also host weekly volunteer information sessions for anyone who is interested in learning more about our agency and the volunteer opportunities we offer.
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
We live in a country where race and ethnicity have created systemic obstacles for people of color.
Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks to remove obstacles and overcome barriers to achievement for all young people by connecting them with a mentor, a caring adult, who can be in their corner.
Empowering Potential
We believe that in every child, there is incredible potential.
Big Brothers Big Sisters creates and supports one-to-one mentoring relationships between volunteer mentors (Bigs) and children ages 6 through young adulthood (Littles) in Erie County, Niagara County, and the Southern Tier of New York State.
Our Latest News & Stories
Check back here for the latest on what’s happening here with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Erie, Niagara & The Southern Tier.