Our 12th Annual Big Brothers Big Sisters “Fore the Children” Golf Tournament held Monday, July 30th was a BIG success!! It was a beautiful day that raised nearly $50,000 to help provide local children facing adversity with the Big Brother or Big Sister they need and want. Thank you for making a BIG difference for children in our community!

A very BIG thank you to all of our event sponsors – especially our Presenting Sponsor PCB Piezotronics – An MTS Company, our supporters and our golfers!  

Congrats to our our 1st Place Foursome- PCB Piezotronics, 2nd Place Foursome- Hodgson Russ and 3rd Place Foursome- BRD, Inc.  A special congratulations to Donald B. White on receiving the Hedwig “De” Moss Leadership Award for his commitment to making a difference in the lives of children.  

To see a full list of our sponsors and photos from the event, click here.


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